Educational platform

Мы лучшие по поиску необходимых знаний и качеству обучения. Вы получите знания, которые помогут вам освоить профессию мечты и изменить жизнь к лучшему.

Programming Design Analytics Marketing Finance Management Games Movies and music Photo Psychology General development Engineering English language Other

In‑demand IT professions

Лучшие курсы для старта в IT сфере. Вы станете специалистом с нуля, соберете портфолио и начнете карьеру через несколько месяцев.

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Осваиваете материал на платформе в любое удобное время

Общаетесь с экспертами в выбранной сфере в Telegram

Практикуете новые навыки и получаете обратную связь, закрепляя знания

Создаете проект и дополняете им своё портфолио


Освоение профессии с нуля, создание портфолио, подготовка резюме и поиск достойной работы.

152 professions


Получите конкретный навык или изучите новый инструмент за короткий период времени

360 courses

Up-to-date knowledge from recognized market experts

For beginners and practitioners





30 400

Graduates around the world

56 000

Video Tutorials

Training on the platform is aimed at practice: in each course there are only relevant topics, in—demand skills and tasks for their development. We regularly update course materials, help with employment and internship.

4 steps to career and life changes

What course participants say

Today already 265 270 people gain new knowledge with the help of our platform

Irina Cherkashina

Watch the video

Denis Bobkin

Watch the video

Andrey Ershov

Watch the video

Ekaterina Selishcheva

Watch the video


Profession 3D generalist

“The other day I phoned the manager Alexandra, she advised where to start. Now I'm watching Photoshop tutorials, everything is very cool! I did my first homework, and the program itself offered me to connect the Telegram bot in order to immediately see the curator's answer. By the way, they answered me pretty quickly, and I started doing lesson number 2. ”


Profession Python developer

"There were big doubts about online education. I thought that these were lectures from the category of "I understand-I don't understand, I don't understand — your problems". After all, this is not learning in the classroom… But everything became transparent and clear from the first module. Many thanks to the teacher: his feedback and support helped to master the course.. Now there are more earning opportunities."


Interior designer

"The training is going well, however, I don't always find the time and do everything in time. But already in the fourth module, the teacher gave an incentive to take it seriously."



"The training is super! I like the speakers, I've been doing homework now, but I'll get to work on the weekend! Initially underestimated the level of teaching.."

Corporate training for business

We select and develop educational programs taking into account the specifics of the niche, goals and objectives of the company.

We train managers, teams and individual specialists

The key task of the team is to develop professional competencies of line staff, middle and senior managers, taking into account the specifics of the industry: industry, real estate, construction, fintech, IT and other business areas.

Why us?

Analyzing employee competencies

We identify gaps in knowledge, motivation and the level of professional burnout. Then we develop a training program.

Knowledge from expert practitioners

Преподаватели делятся своим опытом и профессиональными лайфхаками, которые получится сразу применить в работе.

We control

Unloading the HR department: the tutor analyzes classes, monitors the completion of tasks and prepares reports on the progress of employees.

We select training formats
for business tasks

Custom online programs, webinars, workshops or mixed programs.

Higher education

Bachelor's and Master's degree programs jointly with leading universities in Russia. State diploma.

5 programs

MBA "Leaders of Change"

Management in conditions of uncertainty for managers and business owners from the Higher School of Management

More detailed


Клиентская поддержка

We will develop a program for your company if nothing suits you among the ready-made options.

By clicking on the button, I agree to the processing of personal data

We cooperate with leading companies

We collect the best vacancies in the industry, prepare for interviews and recommend you to partner companies.

Вопросы и ответы

You can choose one or more of the access options:

  • Unlimited access to all courses on the platform.
  • Unlimited access to selected courses in one direction.
  • Access to the selected courses for any number of employees of the company.

Managers will tell you more about the conditions. They will explain what is included in each package and help you choose the appropriate option.

Classes are held in the format of video lectures and practical tasks with feedback from the teacher. You can choose a learning format with or without homework. The study is built in the microlearning format: short video tutorials are combined into modules on topics.

You will have a personal supervisor, a personal account with statistics of students' progress and results.

There are no restrictions on our part. Each employee of your company will have access to any number of courses of your choice in their personal account. You can decide for yourself whether it will be one course, a whole direction, professions or courses of related disciplines.

We will organize training on our platform, take care of all the routine with setting up personal accounts and access to courses. We will supervise each student (employee of your company) and provide you with reports.

Homework and theses are being finalized for your goals. The content of workshops and master classes can be adapted to the specifics of your business and the task being solved. If this is not enough, we can discuss the customization of the content of the courses themselves.

Let us know what solution you would like to implement — and we will definitely come up with something!